Unravelling the Critical Essence of Your Child’s Teacher


I’m Alix and it’s my mission to help as many of the next generation as possible work in jobs that meet their passion and purpose, guiding them to becoming happy and fulfilled adults.

This definitely includes placing your child in the best schooling atmosphere from the start, including, where it’s at all possible, finding the best teacher for them. This article is written from the starting point of your child’s education, but most of it will apply to any age of education.

Also, please bear in mind I do not expect every teacher to be ‘perfect’ as we’re human – flaws and all, but, just as with any job, we should all aim to reach our highest potential and, with the trust we, as parents, put in each and every teacher, we need to know you care.

So, as always with my articles, grab a snack and let’s look at the importance of teachers in your child’s life and the attributes that can make up a ‘perfect’ teacher.

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You and them…

Your child’s teacher has a critical influence on their life. They represent authority and could be their first experience of having an adult dictate to them (apart from yourself).

Working to have a good relationship with each, and every, teacher your child has in their early years opens the lines of communication, which can only be bonus. Make the time to make that connection. You need the comfort of knowing your child, and their education, is in safe hands.

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And while the ‘perfect’ teacher is an elusive yet revered figure in education, there are basics you can watch for.

What to look for…

A teacher needs to embody a unique blend of qualities, expertise, and passion to nurture the minds and souls of their pupils. They need an understanding of both children and, in some cases, parents, to achieve the best for their students.

Note: I’ve personally always felt that teachers should not be teachers until they have children themselves so that they have the whole picture. Not only as a teacher but know the challenges parents also face. Unrealistic I know, but…

Moving on, let’s delve into the characteristics that contribute to the making of an exceptional educator.

Knowledge and expertise…

At the heart of a teacher lies a deep understanding of their subject matter.

A Pile Of Books

They study for years to possess a wealth of knowledge, and expertise in their field. Additionally, their job includes ensuring that they can impart this information to their students who can be a mixture of all levels of understanding and background.

They constantly update their knowledge by attending teacher training days that keep them informed about the latest developments which they then adapt to their teaching methods in the classroom.

Passion and dedication…

A perfect teacher exudes an infectious enthusiasm for learning. They’re genuinely passionate about their subject(s) and are dedicated to inspiring their students to share the same passion. This enthusiasm creates a positive learning environment and encourages students to want to actively engage.

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By investigating how their current class learns best, they will adapt their lessons to visual, with slides and practical demonstrations or reading, again adapted to impart the knowledge simply and memorably.

Adaptability and flexibility…

In the lively landscape of education, a perfect teacher must be adaptable and flexible. They must embrace the change being brought about by new technology and be open to trying new approaches to enhance the learning experience. Think blackboards to white boards!

Adapting to the evolving needs of students, including the current focus on mental health in the educational system, ensures that the teacher remains effective. Good for both them and their students.

Continuous self-improvement…

A perfect teacher is a lifelong learner who believes in the importance of self-improvement. They’ll seek feedback from colleagues and parents, attend professional development workshops and actively seek opportunities to grow.

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Their commitment to self-improvement not only enhances their own teaching skills but also sets an inspiring precedent for their older students.

Patience and resilience…

Teaching can be challenging, and a perfect teacher demonstrates patience and resilience in the face of obstacles. They understand that not all students grasp concepts at the same pace and are willing to provide additional support to help struggling learners. To do this they have to take the time to know their class and who to keep an eye on.

Moreover, they maintain their composure even during trying times, setting an example of strength and determination for their students. In a lot of ways they are really their students first mentor.

In the current age of recognising such things as autism and ADHD, a teacher must also know how to identify, manage their students while keeping the classroom from being disrupted.

Note: I have used this example in other articles, but at the risk of repeating myself, a close colleague told me that when she was in secondary school one of their teachers was perceived by their pupils as weak and the students made the whole year a joke. At the time my friend joined in, but once she matured, she realised how much she’d lost through losing that year of education. This should never have been allowed to happen. The teacher, headteacher and school let that whole class down. So, keep an eye on your child, pick up on comments made. Your child will be the better for it.

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If your child has Savants, or ADHD, or anything in their nature that could affect their learning, work with the teacher and school to ensure the best learning environment for them.

Note: my nephew is being tested for Savants and it explains why I’ll speak to him, and he completely disregards what I say, running off to do whatever he wants, or continuing to do something I’ve just told him not to. It took a long time to realise he wasn’t just being naughty. His mother hadn’t realised either that his brain just didn’t compute what was being said to him – something a teacher has to pick up on, but how I admit I don’t know! Again, knowing their students is a huge step towards this.

Empathy and understanding…

The ability to empathise and understand the needs of students is a hallmark of a perfect teacher. By recognising that each student is unique, with varying abilities, backgrounds and learning styles they can ensure that all pupils learn what they need to.

By empathising with their struggles and concerns, a perfect teacher can provide the necessary support to foster a conducive learning environment for every student.

Note: I was always better at sport than, say, maths but despite low marks, nothing was ever done to show me ways to learn, there was no internet to sit at and watch over and over until long division actually made sense and my confidence in maths remains low to this day. It’s not fun sitting in a class believing every other child understands the subject when you don’t and you’re too afraid to tell anyone.

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Effective communication skills…

Communication is a fundamental aspect of teaching.

A perfect teacher communicates clearly and effectively, employing various teaching methods to cater to different learning styles. They make sure they can be heard with a clear and concise tone. Accents should be able to be understood so as to keep all pupils up to speed.

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Note: Again, a repeat of an example from another article, my daughter was eventually taught using an internet school that catered for service parents who had to move around countries so that their children had a stable learning environment. My daughter’s science teacher had an accent that I could not follow when she taped them so that she could re-listen. It may be that if you had a strong science interest, or leaning, it would be easy, however when learning a child may not be in that position and, in my daughter’s case, as she didn’t need it for her (then) career path, I told her to focus on the subjects that she did need. Too much time spent on translating that particular teacher’s lessons was time not available for study for the lessons that mattered. I obviously don’t advocate this for all or even any student, but in my daughter’s case it was the sensible decision.

My husband is Scottish and when he goes ‘rogue’ it’s almost impossible for me to understand him – or it may just be that he’s winding me up of course! The point is that accents can be difficult.

A child who has difficulty hearing or needs time to process ideas could also struggle, so, as ever, keep an eye (or ear) out for this.

Encouragement of critical thinking…

Rather than simply imparting knowledge, a perfect teacher encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills in their students.

They create an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions, giving them simple, honest and clear answers, but encouraging opportunities for discussion.

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They actively listen to their pupils, encouraging open dialogue, making the learning process more engaging and interactive, while allowing independent learning.

Inspiring mentorship…

A perfect teacher goes beyond the traditional role of an educator; they become mentors who guide and support their students both academically and personally. They must lead by example, instilling positive values, work ethic, and character traits that will serve pupils well beyond the classroom.

While children learn what is and what is not acceptable behaviour, discipline is super important. And how the teacher handles this can instil confidence in a child rather than crushing them.

Also, their personal hygiene and clothes should inspire and lead.

Note: when my daughter moved from nursery into first year, I attended a meeting. Her soon-to-be teacher came in as the headmistress was running through her preliminaries and, to be honest, I was shocked at the teacher’s appearance. Her clothes were, to me, outrageous and her hair long and unkempt, but on meeting her she was lovely. We had a close relationship all through my daughter’s

primary education, but from first appearances I was concerned. To be taken into account when reading this is that I’ve always worked in an office and been overly conservative in my dress code. Clearly being a teacher of such young children you don’t need to wear a suit, shirt and tie, indeed it would be impracticable…

A Business Man


A teacher leaves an indelible mark on the lives of our children, nurturing not only their intellectual growth but also their character and values. They will learn much more than just their A, Bs and Cs – they’ll learn from the mannerisms, calmness, and language a teacher uses. I know from personal experience children remember teachers for ever and I’m guessing we’d all want to be remembered for the good things.

So, while true perfection may be unattainable (for anyone!), the embodiment of the above qualities in the classroom serves as a guiding light for educators to continually strive for excellence in their teaching practices and will reflect on their dedication and passion for teaching.

By embracing these qualities, educators can inspire the next generation to become lifelong learners and compassionate individuals, ready to tackle the challenges of the future with confidence and knowledge.

footprints towards your future

I’d love to hear how you’re getting on and, where possible, if we can help more.

Lastly, I wanted to both wish you luck!

Alix - my signature