Choosing the Best Sixth Form:  A Crucial Step Towards a Bright Future 


I’m Alix and it’s my mission to help as many of the next generation as possible work in careers that meet their passion and purpose, making them happy and fulfilled adults.  


With no support from home or school I stayed on for sixth form just because all my friends were. I wasn’t even aware of the alternatives and what making a different decision would have done for my future. A huge mistake!  


I want you to know the choices that are out there, how to take and use the education you’re being offered to your advantage. 


So, grab a snack and join me in making sure you’re one of those working in careers that make you want to get up in the morning by following the right career path now… 

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Today we’re looking at choosing the right sixth form for you - the one that will give you the best step up the ladder towards your long-term goals.  

Note: if you don’t know why goals are important, read my article (imaginatively) called ‘Why, How and What Happens When You Set Goals’ in the FAQ section. 

Here, we’ll explore essential aspects and questions to ask when weighing up which sixth form is right for you. 

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The transition from secondary school to sixth form is a pivotal moment in your educational and career journey.  

The decision of where to pursue your A-levels, or equivalent qualifications, after GCSEs is one that can significantly influence your future opportunities. And, strangely, there are huge differences in going into sixth form versus college. There’s also a difference between staying at the school you’ve studied for GCSEs at and moving to an alternative. 

Let’s look at hints and tips for either staying or moving. 

Stay or go… 

With numerous career paths available (see my article ‘Exploring my Options after GCSEs’), having decided to go to sixth form, choosing the best one for you, the one that will give you the learning you need, requires the careful consideration of various factors.  

Interviewer Liking The Interviewee

You’re moving from being a pupil in a class in which your lessons are set for you one after the other from 09.00 – 15.30 (at least those were the hours when I went to school…), having teacher after teacher come through the door, or walking in tandem to science labs or the playing field, to being responsible for turning up to your lessons when they’re set and having study time in between.  

You’ll be expected to use your study time wisely and, if you’re clever, you’ll use it to release time in your evenings. Put an effective revision plan in place from day one (see my article masterly called ‘Mastering Revision’ - it’s under the GCSE heading but is relevant now too) and you’ll save yourself a lot of stress as exams near. 

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If you already have a specific career path in mind, having identified your passion and purpose, you can ensure that the school provides the subjects that align with your needs.  

If you’re undecided about your future direction, see if your school or local library has a copy of my book ‘I am Choosing my Options’. Although you’ve passed that stage, I explain in detail how identifying your passion and purpose will lead you to the path of your highest potential.  

If you want to keep your options open right now, a selection of subjects can offer flexibility and exploration.  

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Academic excellence… 

One of the main considerations when choosing a sixth form is its reputation.  

It’s good to read promotional material detailing what their sixth form offers, but you should keep in mind that these will be filled with pictures of happy students (well they’re hardly going to put in pictures of stressed students!), but now, with the internet, it’s easy to study a school's past performance in A-level or equivalent qualifications.  

You can check out their success rates, average grades, and the percentage of students who progress to top universities from your sofa, while having a coffee(!). 

A strong track record is indicative of the institution's commitment to your success. It’s also representative of the level of teaching and, possibly, how up to date the school’s facilities are. 

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Facilities and resources… 

Your learning will be greatly influenced by the quality of facilities and resources available.  

Consider factors such as well-equipped classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and an IT infrastructure. Adequate resources contribute to a more engaging and effective learning experience. 

Additionally, inquire about the teaching quality, including class sizes, and the level of support provided to students.  

Making sure you can expect to have the same teacher over the next couple of years is important too and having a larger number of students in the lesson(s) means less individual support. 

Cartoon Teacher And Student At Students Desk With A Science Set

If possible, meet your would-be teacher. Are they easy to understand? Do they speak quietly, ie will you be able to hear them from the back of a classroom? Do they instil confidence? 

If you’re considering staying on at the school where you studied for your GCSEs, are the other pupils in the subjects you want to take disruptive or committed.  

Watch for any colleagues who you may have found less than supportive or friendly. Spending your next years’ education with other pupils who don’t respect you or who you don’t respect can make a difference. If this is the case, seriously look at alternative schools. 

As this stage of your education entails narrowing down the lessons that you’ll be studying even further I would expect your colleagues to be actively choosing what they study and realise its importance. If this isn’t the case and there could be issues look further afield. A disruptive classroom will affect the next two years of your life and could well have an affect on your mental health, not just your ability to learn, which is too important to take risks with. 

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Note: a friend of mine tells me of a teacher who could not maintain discipline in the classroom. Just for fun, pupils would mess around, ridicule the teacher and generally destroy any chance of learning for everyone in the room. Although at the time she, along with her classmates, thought they were showing independence, their control and ability to discredit the teacher, she now realises that it was a waste of two years’ learning, and she bitterly regrets it. It can’t have been a fun experience for either the pupils or the teacher. Obviously, it should have been dealt with, but my thoughts are that the teacher may not have wanted to advertise her failings in controlling the class and the pupils thought they were ‘just’ being rebellious and having fun. I knew bullies like that in school and wonder sometimes if they feel proud of what they did… 

The learning you’re offered is important and, I promise, will make your adult life better and easier. Take advantage of it. 

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Experienced and supportive faculty… 

The teaching staff at sixth form play a crucial role in shaping your educational experience.  

Experienced and knowledgeable teachers can inspire, guide, and provide the necessary support for academic success.  

If you’re looking at a different school to where you studied for your GCSEs, research the credentials of the teachers – their qualifications, teaching experience, and any specialisations. 

On the other hand, if you’re considering staying on at the same school, make sure you know who your teachers will be. Do you respect them? Are there any issues with them? Again, if there are, look further afield.  

The next two years are critical for your adult life and being taught by someone who you either don’t like (for whatever reason) or don’t respect, will not be good. 

A supportive and approachable teaching staff can foster a great learning environment. 

Cartoon Teacher And Student At Students Desk

Look for schools that prioritise individual attention, encourage open communication between teachers and students, and provide additional help when needed.  

A school where teachers are not only educators but also mentors can significantly enhance your learning journey. 

University and career guidance… 

The ultimate goal of a sixth form education is to either prepare you for higher education or the workforce.  

Therefore, university and career guidance services are vital.  

Look for schools that offer assistance in researching universities, preparing applications, and exploring potential career paths.  

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Does it offer mock interviews, workshops on resume building, and guidance on writing personal statements that are valuable resources which can set you on the right track. 

By now you’ll know I’ve got articles on these topics, either in place or coming, for your ease. Feel free to roam around the site. 

Furthermore, inquire whether the sixth form has any partnerships or affiliations with universities, industries, or businesses.  

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These connections can offer you unique opportunities such as internships, workshops, or guest lectures by professionals in your field of interest.  

A school that actively helps students bridge the gap between education and the real-world can give you a competitive edge, a step up, in the future. 

Extracurricular opportunities… 

Education extends beyond the classroom.  

In addition to academic resources, also assess the availability of recreational facilities.  

Physical and mental well-being are intertwined with academic success and a well-rounded sixth form experience includes loads of opportunities for extracurricular activities.  

These activities can range from sports and arts to debate clubs and community service. 

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Participating in extracurriculars can help you develop crucial life skills such as leadership, teamwork, time management, and effective communication, all before you face working in a job which could require all of these and make you a more valuable employee. 

Consider your own interests and passions. If you're enthusiastic about a particular activity or hobby, a school that supports it can contribute to a more enriching experience.  

Additionally, a strong extracurricular program often indicates a school's commitment to nurturing a rounded development in its students. 

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Schools that prioritise access to sports facilities, green spaces, and student support services can contribute to a balanced and fulfilling student life, giving you the confidence you’ll need. 

Student well-being and support… 

The transition to sixth form can be academically and emotionally demanding.  

A school that prioritises student well-being and offers comprehensive support services is invaluable.  

Check out their counselling services, support networks, and any initiatives aimed at promoting mental health awareness. 

A nurturing and inclusive environment is conducive to learning and personal growth.  

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The next two years will demand a lot from you. Homework and revision will increase and be more taxing and it’s important to get the balance right. There could be pressure from your teachers or the school to do well to increase their own reputation as well. 


Research the school's approach to diversity, inclusion, and anti-bullying measures.  

Feeling safe and supported within your learning community can have a significant impact on your overall happiness and success. 

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Location and commute… 

The location of the sixth form is a practical aspect to consider.  

Think about the commute – is the school easily accessible from your home? A long and exhausting commute can impact your overall experience and well-being.  

Having said that you could use this time to study - something easy to hold and get into, not something that needs balancing like a book and pen as you write unless it’s a long, long journey. 

If the sixth form is located far from your home, consider whether there are reliable transportation links. Not knowing if you’ll be on time for your lessons will add pressure on you, something you don’t need. 

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Moreover, the school's location can influence your exposure to cultural and recreational opportunities.  

Being situated in an urban area might provide access to museums, theatres, and various events that can support your education. 

Seek advice and visit open days… 

While research is essential, personal experience also matter.  

Attend open days or school tours to get a feel for the institution's general look. 

Are their classrooms clean and well equipped? 

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What about the atmosphere? 

Can you meet the teachers, and interact with current students? 

This can provide valuable insights beyond what you find online or in brochures. Remember from earlier, a school is not going to issue a brochure showing students struggling. They’ll all look happy and content, smiling broadly.  

Seeing is believing in this case. 

Then seek advice from teachers, career counsellors, and family members. Their perspectives can offer valuable insights and considerations on what you’ve learnt from the visit that you might not have thought of. They know you and may spot red-flags relating to your personality that you may not even be aware of. 


Choosing the best sixth form is a decision that requires thorough research, careful consideration, and introspection.  

Remember that this choice is not just about academics; it's about shaping your future and the person you aspire to become.  

By evaluating factors such as academic offerings, teaching quality, extracurricular opportunities, guidance services, facilities, location, and student support, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and aspirations.  

Your sixth form years are a stepping stone to your future, so choose wisely and embark on a journey of growth, learning, and success. 

I’d love to hear how you’re getting on, email me below to keep me up to date. 


Good luck! 

Alix - my signature