Fun School Facts


I’m Alix and it’s my mission to help as many of the next generation as possible work in jobs that meet their passion and purpose, making them happy and fulfilled adults. Providing support and hand holding where they may not have any. It may be a hard slog but, surprisingly, there are a few fun facts about school, so, grab a snack and let’s see…

Cartoon Slice Of Cake On A Plate With Cup Of Tea

By its very nature, school is a place where children go to learn and grow, and it's filled with interesting facts and experiences along the way.

Here we’re looking at the lighter side:

School Bells: The tradition of ringing a bell to signal the start and end of school dates right back to the 1800s. It was a practical way to let students (and teachers) know it was time to get to lessons before clocks and alarms existed.

Cartoon School Bell

The Alphabet Song: The tune used for the "Alphabet Song" is the same as for "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." Both songs have the same melody, making it easier for children to remember. To know it works, recite the song now!

Break Time/Recess: The idea of having recess or break time during the school day was inspired by the (correct) belief that children need time to rest, play and socialise to improve their overall well-being and academic performance.

Did you know that in Finland, students get a break every 45 minutes. They have much shorter school days compared to other countries. Yet, Finland consistently ranks high in educational achievement. Something for the UK to ponder on?

End of Year: As you will know, at the end of the year students are (usually) given a day out as a treat. I’ve known it used as a carrot for children to be ‘good’ all year so they can be included, however, it’s my personal opinion that the trips are so that, when students have their six-week break in summer, the school trip is a recent memory and encourages a return to school. However, of course, there’s a good few months of learning before the end of the year and that coveted trip.

Cartoon Student Sitting At A Desk With A Microscope

School Lunches: The National School Lunch Program in the United States was established in 1946, by President Harry S. Truman, to promote the health and well-being of the nation's children. While it was a brilliant idea, I’m not sure who picked the menu.

Pencils: The modern pencil, as we know it, was invented in 1795 by Nicholas-Jacques Conte, a French scientist. Before that, people used chunks of lead for writing, moving on to quills and ink – not many marks for style with all those ink blots I would imagine!

Cartoon Of Quill And Paper

Longest Teacher’s Career: The record for the longest career as a schoolteacher is (currently) held by Peter Tabichi, a Kenyan teacher who taught for 33 years before winning the Global Teacher Prize in 2019.

Longest Uninterrupted Class: The world record for the longest uninterrupted class is held by elementary school teacher, Dale Irby, who taught the same class of physical education for 40 years. Interestingly he wore the same outfit in his yearbook photo throughout.

Cartoon Teacher

Oldest School: The world's oldest existing school is the University of al-Qarawiyyin in Fez, Morocco. Founded in 859 AD it is still operational today… though hopefully it’s updated its equipment in the meantime.

Largest Library in a School: The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto is the largest, rare book library in a North American university. It holds over 700,000 books, including many rare and valuable manuscripts (that I suspect are closely monitored).

Books In A Line

World's Largest School by Enrolment: The City Montessori School in Lucknow, India, holds the Guinness World Record for the largest school by enrolment. As of 2021, it had over 55,000 students.

Smallest School: In contrast, the "Smallest School in the World" is the one-room schoolhouse in Greenough, Montana, with just one student in 2011. I bet his education was first class with no bullying or distractions.

Tallest School: The 632-meter Shanghai Tower in China has a school located on its 119th floor, making it the highest school in the world (currently).

Largest Student Mural: The largest student mural was created in the Philippines in 2010, measuring 1.4 kilometres long and made by over 7,000 students.

IQ: The highest IQ (so far) ever recorded belongs to William James Sidis, who had an estimated IQ between 250 and 300. He was admitted to Harvard at the age of 11.

School is a place of discovery, learning, and making memories that last a lifetime. Whether you're a student or teacher, there's always something fascinating and fun to learn about in the world of education.

Enjoy the experience,

Alix - my signature