GCSEs Grades

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Grade 9 (A*): This grade represents the highest level of achievement. It’s awarded to students who demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject and have achieved a very high mark standard.

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Grade 8: This is also a high level of achievement, considered slightly below a Grade 9 but still excellent. Some may refer to this as a high A* grade.

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Grade 7 (A): This grade also represents excellent performance. Students who receive an A grade demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject and have achieved high marks in their exams.

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Grade 6 (B): This grade indicates a good level of achievement. Students demonstrated a solid understanding of the subject and achieved reasonably high marks in their exams.

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Grade 5/4 (both equivalent to grade C): This grade indicates a satisfactory level of achievement. Students demonstrated a basic understanding of the subject and achieved moderate marks in their exams.

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Grade 3 (D): This grade indicates a less satisfactory level of achievement. Students demonstrate some understanding of the subject and achieved lower marks in their exams.

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Grade 3 (D): This grade indicates a less satisfactory level of achievement. Students demonstrate some understanding of the subject and achieved lower marks in their exams.

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Grade 2 (E): This grade indicates a marginal level of achievement. Students demonstrate a limited understanding of the subject and achieve very low marks in their exams.

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Grade 1 (F & G): These grades are considered fail grades. Students have not met the minimum requirements for a pass in the subject.

Possible additional letter grades or designations:

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U: This grade indicates an ungraded result. It means the student did not achieve a pass in the subject.

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X: This designation may be used for students who were absent from the exam or whose result is pending.

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