So you're interested in learning what your true career path is, but don't know where to start?

Then boy have I got good news for you - you're in the right place.

Welcome to Career Path PI, your go-to source for finding your passion and purpose, reaching your potential and finding the career path that will make your life happy and fulfilled.

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Everything you'll find in these pages is based on my extensive experience in working for multi-national and small local companies. It’s also experience gleaned from working in a multi-national company’s Personnel department which became the Human Resources Department, giving valuable insight in how firms look for new employees.

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Sometimes when you're starting out, thinking about your career path, or looking to confirm you’re on the right path, the amount to consider can seem overwhelming and that’s if you know what needs to be considered!

Don't worry. We’re in this together!

If you have any of the following questions:

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Which primary school would be best for my child?

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Why am I having to choose GCSE options at such an early age?

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How do I decide which are the best for me?

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Where does my personality fit in?

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Where will they lead?

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What happens if I choose the wrong ones?

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How do I decide what happens after GCSE’s?

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What if I failed one?

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Or believe it was marked incorrectly?

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What paths are available?

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What about applying for jobs?

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How can I improve my chances of getting an interview?

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And once I’m in a job how do I excel, earn my manager’s respect and work towards a promotion?

If you’re attracted by the idea of living a fully fulfilled and happy life. You want to be sure the information you’re reading is based on experience, not a text-book with no feelings, or personal experience.

You’re in the right place.

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Finding your way...

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the choice of careers to consider and the number of critical decisions you have to make, even if you don’t realise how critical these are at the time.

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And please don’t get me started on wading through all the advice you can find online. There’s simply:

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Too much;

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It’s spread out; and

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Not always helpful when told from a dispassionate point of view.

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That’s why I created Career Path PI.

I aim to provide you with an easy and reliable way to look at the different ways to identify a career that will make you a happy and fulfilled adult. Told from having gone through it myself and knowing how much (any) support would have helped at the time I was making the same critical decisions you are now.

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I offer hints and tips from trusted sources and personal experience and present it here in one easy-to-use platform. You pick where you are in your career, from:

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(As a parent) starting your child’s education;

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You’re a teenager facing your GCSE choices;

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Exploring options after GCSEs;

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Applying for your first job;

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Right through to working in the workplace and the soft skills that can pave your way to promotion.

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I also post enlightening anecdotes from real-life related topics with how to, and possibly more importantly, how not to behave in the workplace that I’ve witnessed. Let me know if you have any to add.

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Why did I start doing this? Because when I grew up, I had no advice or support at the crossroads where choices had to be made about my future career. Didn’t know that the choices I was making when choosing my options at GCSEs were setting me on the path to a fulfilling (or otherwise) adulthood but also how fantastic it would have been to be on the right path years before I found my way.

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I was lost, but didn’t know it: making critical decisions, not aware that searching for help and hints and tips on how to find a career suited to my abilities was the point.

I want to give you that support, be your ‘virtual mentor’ where you may not have one.

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Career Path PI is designed to provide you with resources that can help you identify your passion and purpose that will lead you to your full potential for your perfect future.

Whatever passion you hold inside, these articles will help you find it, with your life’s purpose complementing it and fulfilling you, making the world a better place both for you, those around you and, with the ripple effect in full flow, others.

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I’ll expand your mind, widen your horizons, and expose you to careers you may not even be aware are out there so that your passion becomes the work you get up to in the morning, your purpose motivating you, both making you keen to jump up and start. The most amazing benefit of being in the right career.

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Knowing how many exciting opportunities await you, these articles will guide you in what to think about, then how to tackle it.

I write in plain English and want you to enjoy the journey you take from today onwards, knowing each step is leading you on the path to the happy and fulfilling adult life you deserve.

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I also like to showcase fun, unusual, outrageously incorrect, or quirky work experiences.

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But there are a few things that I don’t do.

I’m not a therapist. And I don’t give legal or (God forbid!) financial advice.

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I don’t offer a place where you should be afraid, or hesitant, to ask a question because you think it's too silly. There are no silly questions when it comes to your future - everything's important. As I said above, I had no support or mentors to ask even the basic questions of when I started.

In fact, I was so clueless I didn't even know I should have been asking questions.

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This is not a website full of know-it-all, condescending experts. My life experiences are my experts, and they’ve taught me well.

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With no support or guidance from parents or school in what career would suit my personality or abilities I fell onto a path that led me to taking A Levels. It took a ‘lightbulb’ moment at the end of sixth form to realise that a college course a full two years earlier would have been my best path. (Read ‘About Me’ to find out the whole sorry story!)

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Re-evaluating my life, I was (luckily) able to find the right road, though even then it didn’t give me my purpose.

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Now, with my book ‘I am Choosing my Options’ and this website, I’m working to make a real difference to young lives, giving hard-earnt guidance towards building a wonderful, satisfying and fulfilling adult life.

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Put simply, my aim is to use all the knowledge I've learned over my years of working for international and local companies and share it with you so that you avoid the mistakes I made, instead, enjoying all the benefits.

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So, grab a snack (my suggested first step in every article I write!), open your mind and see the treasure of career opportunities that you might miss out on if you don’t know about them, instead of working towards them from today onwards. 

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Here's what you'll find on this site - and where to find it

Quick links if you’re in a hurry or just carry on reading!

I give you five reasons to settle down and explore my website:

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I AM – starting my education: Starting your child in their first school is critical to their future. Explore factors to consider where there’s a choice and know you’re doing the best you can for your child.

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I AM – facing my GCSEs: Explore and understand the reasons why GCSEs exist and the importance of choosing the right ones for you.

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I AM – exploring my options after GCSEs: Investigate what options are out there, check up on which is the best path for you to take.

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I AM – applying for a job: Hints and tips for acing your CV, covering letter and increasing your chance of securing that all important interview.

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I AM – in the workplace: And it doesn’t stop once you have a job. Learn how to master those critical soft skills, the ones that can help secure you a promotion when you’re ready.

With all this guidance at your fingertips, why wouldn't you explore and give my website a try?  So, grab more coffee (and cake) and let’s identify your path towards the career that will bring you the best ever future. Leaving you to stride confidently forwards on your very own career path.

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Want to know more about me?

If you're wondering what my credentials are to be able to give you virtual mentoring about identifying your career path, I've written a page all about how I got to this point.

It's not a story of a girl who finishes school, having cleverly chosen the right GCSE options, moving into a hugely successful job, with successive promotions until I was the head of a multi-national company - far from it. I was born and raised with siblings – parents too busy bringing us up to advise, guide or help me identify my correct career path.

What it will show is that anyone can learn how to identify their passion - and have fun recognising their many strengths and abilities. My aim is to use all the knowledge I've learnt over my years and share it with you to so that you avoid the mistakes I made and enjoy all the benefits instead.

Where to go next…

You know that when you’re on the right career path you’ll be talking about this website to your friends (I hope)!

Maybe you're looking for some fun facts about our education system? Check out the Fun, Facts and Printables section.

I also have pages where you can share your stories. I love hearing all about them, so if you'd like to share, I'd be delighted!

And if you'd like to keep up to date with new articles, stories from the workplace and with information from the wider world, you'll want to sign up for my newsletter.

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Do you have a work colleague, or manager that creates either a good (or bad) working environment, email me and tell me the story.

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If there's something you want to see on this site that you can’t find, please drop me an email at the address listed below - I welcome your updates, feedback, stories and ideas

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But always take comfort in knowing that what you need is here, ready to read and absorb, as you identify your passion and purpose, realise your potential and stride out confidently on your very own career path with Career Path PI at your side.

I’m so looking forward to meeting you (virtually) and joining you on your career journey.

Happy walking!

Alix - my signature

Here is a link to my book 'I Am Choosing My Options'.  I cannot wait for you to read it! 

Amazon - Click Here

Waterstones - Click Here

WHSmith - Click Here

Austin Macauley Publishers - Click Here

Books-A-Million - Click Here - Click Here

Readings - Click Here

Coles Books - Click Here